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Kubernetes CKA Professional

This Kubernets CKA Professional course is a Kubernetes Fundamentals and CKA exam theory training.

The training covers the Kubernetes Fundamentals for engineers as defined by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and tested in the CKA exam:

  • based on an understanding of the Kubernetes Architecture
  • in the context of IT development, Microservices, and Cloud-Native so that you, at the end of this course, can start using Kubernetes as Engineer based on understanding, and insight into Kubernetes,

The training is hands-on:

  • every participant has their own bare-metal cluster
  • the training is loaded with exercises and examples (which you carry out yourself), so Kubernetes will be taught by doing, at the level of CKA.

The experiences you gain during the training will give you tools to use Kubernetes in practice and prepares you, for the theoretical part, for the CKA exam.



  • Classe inter à distance

    Depuis n'importe quelle salle équipée d'une connexion internet, rejoignez la classe de formation délivrée en inter-entreprises.

  • Classe inter en présentiel

    Formation délivrée en inter-entreprises. Cette méthode d'apprentissage permet l'interactivité entre le formateur et les participants en classe.

  • Intra-entreprise

    Cette formation est délivrable en groupe privé, et adaptable selon les besoins de l’entreprise. Nous consulter.

1 Formations trouvées

    • Modalité Classe inter à distance
    • Date 30 septembre-02 octobre, 2024
    • Langue: Anglais

    EUR2 295,00

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